Netflix’s ‘Lucifer’ And Jewish Beliefs

In Netflix’s show ‘Lucifer’, you will see angels, sin, hell, afterlife, heaven, God, and of course, the main character Lucifer. We are far from Sunday church sermons; in this film, we see alcohol, sex, and a lot of debaucheries that I will not mention here. Lucifer was first released on Fox in 2016 and then migrated on Netflix, with the […]

The Importance of Spirituality

There is no single, widely agreed-upon definition of spirituality. Surveys of the definition of the term, as used in scholarly research, show a broad range of meanings with limited overlap. A survey of reviews by McCarroll, each dealing with the topic of spirituality, gave twenty-seven explicit definitions, among which there was little agreement. Many of spirituality’s core features are not […]

Tips for a Better Prayer Life in 2021

Are you going through tough times? Does it feel like you are the only one facing so many hardships? What do you do then? Pray, isn’t it? But have you ever struggled, not knowing what to pray for exactly? Don’t worry, you are not alone. If you find yourself in this situation, don’t hesitate to go through the list below. […]