Repatriation Abroad: Steps And Procedures

Repatriation Abroad: Steps And Procedures

With this deadly pandemic spreading to all corners of the world, death can come at a moment’s notice. Dealing with a body is complex, especially when the person has died in a foreign country. There are many steps and guidelines to follow. So, without further ado, let’s dive into this blog and learn some of the things you need to know about repatriation abroad.

What are the requirements for transportation?


It is imperative to use an airtight metal casket for the transportation of the body. Also, the body must be preserved. Some airlines impose guidelines that change depending on the company and the destination. They often require thanatopraxy treatment of the body. Others require that the casket be placed in a wooden box. You should also be aware that urns are not allowed in the cabin, even if they are placed in a bag. Finally, contacting the various companies to find out their instructions before repatriation is a good idea.

What are the administrative procedures to follow?

The administrative procedure to follow is relatively complex. The first step is to declare the death to the local registry office. In order to obtain a death certificate, a medical certificate stating the circumstances of the death is often necessary. The next step is to obtain an agreement to transport the body by going to the French embassy, consulate, or the crisis center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. These institutions will be able to provide you with assistance and more details on the procedures to be followed.

In addition, a repatriation agreement issued by the municipality is also necessary. Now you can arrange the transportation of the body by air. You should know that a funeral company must intervene regardless of the country in which the person died. They will help you with the procedures, the laws to be respected, and the necessary contacts.

What are the administrative documents to be gathered?

In order to repatriate a body from France to another country, the prefecture where the body was buried must issue you with a document certifying that the body is authorized to be transported abroad. Some administrative documents are also essential:

    • The identity document of the deceased
    • His/her birth and death certificates
    • The burial authorization
    • The agreement of the next of kin to transport the body in addition to the authorization of the prefect or the consulate;
    • A notice of non-contagion signed by a doctor
    • In addition, you must apply for a mortuary pass from the country of destination.

Cost of transfer: what to expect?


You should plan for the funeral or ritual as an expense. Also, count the services of the funeral home, which involve the preparation of the body, the choice of coffin, and the transportation. You must also include the cost of the casket as well as the fees retained by the chosen transportation company. If the family chooses to transport the body by land, the cost depends on the length of the journey. The cost of repatriating a body to another country is high.

It is a good idea to check if the deceased had taken out a death insurance policy or a funeral agreement during his or her lifetime. These insurances can include a guarantee for the repatriation of the body. Thus, the family can obtain partial or complete assistance from the insurance. In some cases, the conditions change depending on the contract and the guarantees offered, but the insurer often covers the same costs.

In general, the insurer will pay for the cost of transporting the body from the place of death to the point of departure for repatriation, such as the airport. Once at the destination, it also covers the cost of transportation from the place of arrival to the place of burial.

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