10 Ways to Connect With Your Authentic Self

Beneath the layers of emotions and collected data lies your authentic self. It only takes a little awareness to be in touch with our inner truth rather than the opinions of society, ego and the media. Here is a list of 10 ways to begin the process of connecting with your authentic self, the wonderful, happy, joyful being that you […]

The Pagan Origins of Some Popular Christian Practices

By the fourth century, the Christian Church had established itself as the official faith of the Roman Empire through a successful grassroots campaign to dominate, and almost exterminate, paganism. But how successful was it? The fact of the matter is that the early Church had to merge itself with pagan practices and beliefs in order to blend into Roman society. […]

Debauchery: No Sex Before Marriage. What Does The Bible Say?

In school, we learn about five main needs, namely food, water, shelter, clothing and air. In modern times, we could say that sex has become a necessity as well. People are always seeking sexual pleasures for various reasons. Premarital sex is something that instils guilt in believers. As we know, the Bible condemns sexual immorality and adultery. In this article, […]

Is There a Thing Called ‘Spiritual Debauchery’?

The word ‘debauchery’ is not unknown to us. Various times in the Bible, we are confronted with this word – do not indulge in lust, sexual immorality, alcoholism, foul language, or any rebellious manner. No, this list above is not the ‘must-haves’ of a successful party, far from it. But have you ever heard of ‘spiritual debauchery’? Most of the […]

Why Many People Hate God?

If you spend enough time with me, you’d learn that I’m a devout believer. When asked who do I love the most, my reply always goes to my Maker.   And, people always laugh at that and they say, “what is there to love about God? How can you even think of Him as someone to love.” And, one even dared […]

Why Do I Have to Be Responsible for the Sin of Adam and Eve?

I don’t know what brings you here – whether you’ve started doubting your belief or whether your interest in this topic stems from your discipline as an atheist. Whatever the reason that brings you here, in my experience, I think something like 80 % of people, including Christians, have at some point wonder about this great question. Even though I […]

Where Does Our Soul Go After Death, According to Different Religions?

Despite their differences, all major faiths teach the same thing: human souls are eternal constructs that originate from a heavenly realm, and will return there once our earthly body perishes. Since the earliest forms of spiritual expression, this is the great promise and hope that religions have offered to their followers. It is the believer’s eternal answer to the unbelievers […]