Netflix’s ‘Lucifer’ And Jewish Beliefs

In Netflix’s show ‘Lucifer’, you will see angels, sin, hell, afterlife, heaven, God, and of course, the main character Lucifer. We are far from Sunday church sermons; in this film, we see alcohol, sex, and a lot of debaucheries that I will not mention here. Lucifer was first released on Fox in 2016 and then migrated on Netflix, with the […]

Unholy Sexual Cords.

This Biblical verse is one that many of us are familiar with, and it is often read in churches for weddings or whenever there is a need to preach about the holy union of wife and husband. In this article, we will talk about sexual cords. “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to […]

Debauchery: Drug Addiction And Alcoholism. What Does The Bible Say?

In the last article about debauchery, we went through ‘pre-marital sex’. Now we will talk about drug and alcohol abuse. Drugs and alcohol are at the center of many Hollywood movies. People consuming the media are more and more exposed to this glamourized culture of drug-taking and alcoholism. Off and onscreen people are tempted to indulge in this new fancy […]

Is There a Thing Called ‘Spiritual Debauchery’?

The word ‘debauchery’ is not unknown to us. Various times in the Bible, we are confronted with this word – do not indulge in lust, sexual immorality, alcoholism, foul language, or any rebellious manner. No, this list above is not the ‘must-haves’ of a successful party, far from it. But have you ever heard of ‘spiritual debauchery’? Most of the […]