A beginner’s guide to the Satanic Church.

If I asked you about the major religions across the world, you would probably list off Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism, right? I bet that Satanism hadn’t even crossed your mind when you thought of religions. Well, my friend, welcome to the Church of Satan, and no, they don’t sacrifice children. The Church of Satan is getting traction, thanks to […]

Zen Habits That Will Literally Transform Your Life! (Part 1)

Today we bring you the top Zen habits that will literally transform your life. Have you ever marveled at those people who may be in utter tranquility but amid total chaos? Those people who are… irrevocably at peace? Whose inner peace is radiating far beyond the events of your external environment? Sure, you have met some. Did you know that […]

Can You Be Spiritual Without Being Religious?

“I’m spiritual but not religious.” You’ve heard it—maybe even said it—before. But what does it actually mean? Can you be one without the other? Once synonymous, “religious” and “spiritual” have now come to describe seemingly distinct (but sometimes overlapping) domains of human activity. The twin cultural trends of deinstitutionalization and individualism have, for many, moved spiritual practice away from the […]

Adam’s first wife wasn’t Eve but Lilith.

According to the Jewish, Islamic and Christian theologies, Adam and Eve were the first humans created by God to populate the earth and take care of His creation. Let’s delve a little into the story – Adam and Eve had to take care of the Garden of Eden and the animals. They were the parents of humanity and the first […]

Debauchery: Drug Addiction And Alcoholism. What Does The Bible Say?

In the last article about debauchery, we went through ‘pre-marital sex’. Now we will talk about drug and alcohol abuse. Drugs and alcohol are at the center of many Hollywood movies. People consuming the media are more and more exposed to this glamourized culture of drug-taking and alcoholism. Off and onscreen people are tempted to indulge in this new fancy […]

10 Ways to Connect With Your Authentic Self

Beneath the layers of emotions and collected data lies your authentic self. It only takes a little awareness to be in touch with our inner truth rather than the opinions of society, ego and the media. Here is a list of 10 ways to begin the process of connecting with your authentic self, the wonderful, happy, joyful being that you […]

Debauchery: No Sex Before Marriage. What Does The Bible Say?

In school, we learn about five main needs, namely food, water, shelter, clothing and air. In modern times, we could say that sex has become a necessity as well. People are always seeking sexual pleasures for various reasons. Premarital sex is something that instils guilt in believers. As we know, the Bible condemns sexual immorality and adultery. In this article, […]

Where Does Our Soul Go After Death, According to Different Religions?

Despite their differences, all major faiths teach the same thing: human souls are eternal constructs that originate from a heavenly realm, and will return there once our earthly body perishes. Since the earliest forms of spiritual expression, this is the great promise and hope that religions have offered to their followers. It is the believer’s eternal answer to the unbelievers […]

The Importance of Spirituality

There is no single, widely agreed-upon definition of spirituality. Surveys of the definition of the term, as used in scholarly research, show a broad range of meanings with limited overlap. A survey of reviews by McCarroll, each dealing with the topic of spirituality, gave twenty-seven explicit definitions, among which there was little agreement. Many of spirituality’s core features are not […]